Sunday, January 11, 2009

Good point

Okay, the married ladies pointed out that my 1001-day blogging commitment might need to be amended a tad... especially since there will be a wedding and honeymoon going on for me mid-year. Yeah, love you all-- not blogging on my honeymoon. ;)

I'm not sure if I really liked that one anyway. I mean, it's fun to blog. And I always appreciate it when people write more often than not. So I'm debating replacing that one altogether. Hmmm...

I'm thisclose to finishing up LOST Season 4. Only the final two episodes to go and then I'll be caught up for the January 21 premiere. Anybody else out there going to a premiere party? I think some friends of mine are having one where you get to dress up like your favorite character. Who is your favorite LOST character? In the past I was a die-hard Sayid fan, but these days I'm leaning more toward Jin. Although he dies at some point (sorry if that was a spoiler for you) so I probably should just stick with Sayid.


Jules said...

You shouldnt feel like you HAVE to blog, you know? You should blog because you want to. Some weeks you may blog loads, others not at all. My opinion anyway.

When you start watching Lost5, would you mind not blogging any spoilers perhaps? Its just that the UK is airing it slightly after the US and its my fave show...

Jules said...

Oh and if you do want to post about Lost, then if you could let me know and I'll have to skip your entries for a while. I just realised that my last comment sounded demanding! Sorry x

A Wanderer's Heart said...

Jules, I'd be happy to oblige. If it's something that I feel I absolutely MUST blog about (unlikely), I will write SPOILER ALERT!!! or something else equally definitive as the post title.

When will season 5 begin airing in the UK anyway? Have you already finished season 4?

zhaunie said...

I'm glad Lost is starting up again. I, however, will be in Africa for the premier. I don't go to parties for TV shows (nor am I invited to any).

A Wanderer's Heart said...

Billy, obviously you have not sent me your latest update because this is the first I am hearing about AFRICA.

The wedding is on May 16. Please be there.

zhaunie said...

I haven't sent anything out yet. We were off for a while. It'll be coming soon though. I leave Saturday.

Jules said...

Yeah I've seen season 4 already. I think its literally days behind the US that ours airs, so its not too bad. I'm just a proper Lost obsessive! Ok, I'm not that bad, but I'm defo excited!!