Monday, January 3, 2011

90-Day Challenge

At the start of every year, CFA encourages everyone to do a 90-Day Challenge. Last year it was a challenge to eat a strict paleo diet. This year, it was more of a "make your own goals that will be a challenge" type deal. So here it is...

My 90-Day Challenge
January 3, 2011 – April 2, 2011

  • Eat a “paleo” diet, including lean meats, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and oils that come from nuts and seeds (plus olive and coconut oil). No sugar, dairy, or grains. Plenty of water. Honey and organic peanut butter allowed.
  • No TV (including Hulu and Netflix). Take time to work on goals/desires listed on my 101 in 1001 lists instead.
  • No computer use after 8:30 p.m. Set a specific time to blog each day so that I am not crammed up against that deadline.
  • Pray intentionally about using food and entertainment as coping devices and journey with God into the deeper heart issues at hand.
  • Try not to be too crabby at Joshua as I go through the “detox” phase.
  • Whenever I am tempted to eat or drink something I shouldn't, remember that it is not the last opportunity I’ll ever have to eat/drink ________.
  • Enjoy an active lifestyle! Go to a class at CrossFit Asheville twice per week, start training walks for the 3-Day Walk in September, start running again, incorporate swimming into my fitness regimen, go hiking with Joshua and friends, explore new places and activities, do an “at home” WOD once per week on an off-CrossFit day.
  • Let myself cry if I need to.
  • Get at least eight hours of sleep per night. Use candles instead of man-made lights after sundown when possible.
  • Spend quality time with my family.
  • Spend quality time with my God.

I plan to keep this online journal as a record of my progress in the gym (by keeping track of my WODs and other fitness info) and also as a record of my progress mentally, emotionally, and spiritually as I journey on the walk of a transformed life. It is a transformation of my whole person—not just a body.

Today was Day One of the Challenge. It has not been as difficult as I might have imagined… perhaps because my mind is resolute this time around. This is what I want to do—and pizza and Coke and bread and ice cream will all be there on April 3 if I have the inclination to put them in my mouth again. Hopefully, my body will change and so will my mind, and I will prefer green foods to things made of flour and high fructose corn syrup.

We got a juicer last night, which is an amazing tool to have in this process.

The thing I am the most nervous about is having enough variety in my diet. I don’t want to get sick of eating the same things over and over again. Here’s to hoping that won’t be an issue…

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