Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 17

I am discovering that I am an emotional eater. Sad? Eat. Overwhelmed? Eat. Really, though, it's not just eating... it's eating comfort foods. Heavy, salty foods. Today I want-- I WANT-- mozzarella sticks something fierce.

Missed a week of CrossFit due to transitioning to a new job. Switched to a morning class and went for the first time this morning.

Strength/Skill - Back squat @ 3-1-1 tempo. Worked up to 65# but at that final weight it was hard for me to make the 1 second drive up.

WOD - AMRAP in 7:00 of 7 pull-ups (green and purple bands) and 7 burpees. Completed 5 rounds.

I want to cheat and eat something non-paleo SO bad today. I am tired of broccoli.

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