Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Gorgeous life

Today was absolutely the most gorgeous day. It started off gray and thundery, with drizzling rain-- the perfect day to wake up to, no? And then slowly throughout the morning the sun peeked out from behind the clouds, and by noon it was a perfect, warm, sunshiny day. Flowers and trees are blooming all over the place up here-- each day there are more and more splashes of color and you can even feel the difference in the atmosphere. I must say... mountain living rocks my socks.

Today is Tuesday so it's weekly dinner and American Idol at Amy and Cheri's. While those two cooked, I wrote us a 2008 Fun Things to Do List. There are so many hikes listed (including but not limited to Cold Mountain, Grandfather Mountain, more spelunking in Rumbling Bald, Bridal Veil Falls, and as many swimming holes as possible) that I think I'm going to become officially outdoorsy by the end of this year. (Sidebar: Can anyone out there really believe that Ramiele is still on the show?)

Josh and I are going down to Florida this weekend for a barrage of weddings-- two, possibly three. I am just excited to look fabulous all weekend in all sorts of confections. One bridesmaid's dress, one beautiful cocktail dress and many more for the various rehearsals, teas, and bachelorettes that I'll be attending. Don't even get me started on my fabulous heels.

Ciao, bella.


Becka Robinson said...

I've been to Bridal Veil falls, it's lovely.
Maybe you can swing by for a quick visit with your ole' bestest?

Noel said...

Just don't add reading Cold Mountain to your list of required reading. It's really really depressing!

JD @ run-thru-life.blogspot.com said...

I completely agree with you about spring. It truly rejuvenates the soul. My spring up here in Michigan is much cooler, but it is just as wonderful. The crispness in the air, the song of robins, and the breeze, that while cool, is not biting cold. Hope your spring treats you as well as mine is.