Thursday, November 13, 2008

Feels like today

These are some of my favorite red things: strawberries, roses, toenail polish, autumn leaves, lipstick, marinara sauce, rubies, pashminas, and patent leather heels.

What are some of your favorite red things?

There are times when Josh calls me Girlfriendzilla. He calls me that when I have a knee-jerk reaction that is waaaaayy out of proportion and out of the norm for me. This morning was a Girlfriendzilla morning. Whooo eee.

Thankfully, he is a patient and kind and forgiving man.

But suffice it to say that today wasn't the best day.

It was, however, my friend Victoria's birthday. And I had already agreed to go out with her and some friends tonight. I wasn't in the best of moods when I left the house, especially because I was running late. By the time I got to The Lucky Otter for dinner (which is a very Ashevillian place) and I met up with everyone, I was in desperate need of a pick-me-up. What better way to lift your spirits than to celebrate someone else? It was a fun evening... good food, good friends... yay.

Now I'm off to bed. You should be, too. It's late.

1 comment:

Brittney said...

girl....can i just say contra dancing is CRAZY!!!! too crazy!!!