Monday, June 7, 2010


Today's top three reasons I love summertime in Asheville:

1. The sun is rising when I leave the house at ten 'til five to go to the gym in the morning, and when I come home at 9:00 at night there is still daylight.

2. Corn stalks shooting up toward the sky and green bean tendrils winding their way around our homemade trellises in our vegetable garden.

3. Fireflies!

God has been doing something so refreshing and exciting in my heart this week. After a year of struggle, confusion, and (more often than not) discontentment, I feel like my head has broken the waterline and I am breathing life-giving oxygen again. Upcoming blog on this wonderfulness soon... preferably on a day that does not involve the regular gym, work, evening commitment insanity of schedule. This week that probably means Wednesday. Be on the look out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are back to blogging.

I missed you :(