Thursday, August 21, 2014

29 | 4

She's already stunning and she's only four months old. I can't even imagine the beauty this face will hold at four, and fourteen, and forty. My little girl.

Raising a little girl is going to be different than a little boy. I remember when I found out Aidan was a boy, I was overwhelmed with the knowledge that I had no idea how to raise a boy. Now I pick up trucks and cars and more trucks and cars, and am learning the names for various construction equipment, and am not put off by dirt and mud and other remnants of the day that have to be scrubbed off in the tub. Having a boy is so much fun. And instinctively I know that when Maddie gets to be the age that Aidan is now, I'm going to say, Having a girl is so much fun. 

Her personality is already coming through. She loves to be near, to smile when you catch her eye, and to let you know loud and clear when she doesn't like something (wonder where she gets that from... Nana). Aidan wasn't a smiley baby, but Maddie's grin is the first thing I see when I look over her cradle each morning and say, "Hi, Maddie Grace!" It's so cute and gummy right now. 

I love them both and I am so grateful for each of them. Today was a slow, easy mama day... a play date with friends, a nap, time on the back porch. Bubbles in the bath and reading and snuggles and bedtime. These are the days that everyone tells me to cherish because they are too soon just a memory. So I am. Life is good.  

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