Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Inquiring minds want to know

I've been inconsistent in my blogging lately. Mainly because I've either been tired, or emotional, or both. And tonight I've got places to go and people to see, so this will be short and sweet. But I'll give you today's... Top Seven. By the way, dinner a la Chef Megan was fabulous. I'll post the recipe if anyone is interested. It's one of those vegetarian recipes where carnivores won't miss the meat, you know what I mean?

Today's Top Seven:

1- My boss and I have decided that I am going to write her memoir. She has lead an interesting life, I am interested in writing memoirs, it's a good combination. Maybe I shall post excerpts here as they imagine themselves into print. What do you say?

2- Gas is getting so expensive I think I need a second job. I could only shake my head in dismay at the gas pump this evening as I filled up my boat. (I call my car my boat because it's as big as a boat. In times like these, only the rich or the undisciplined can afford to fill up a car and a boat up with gas.)

3- How can you take a police car seriously when it has a scenic mountain mural painted on the side of it? Inquiring minds want to know.

4- I am thinking of going to grad school. In Denver.

5- I had an epiphany today. It will have to wait for some other evening when I have ample opportunity to sort out my thoughts. But grad school and this epiphany are related.

6- Colors are fabulous, rotting African violets are not.

7- I am going to the library tonight and I have a list of books to take with me. I compiled this list while looking at a Random House catalog that was mailed to the college and ended up in my office. It's basically a list of their suggestions for required freshman reading. I was like a kid in a candy store. Am I a huge nerd? Yes.

Ciao, bella.


Anonymous said...

Bloggin when you're too emotional is like blogging when you're drunk. You probably don't want to do it.

Good call.

A Wanderer's Heart said...

Haha, my thinking exactly.