Monday, July 25, 2011
When I left my office I stepped out into the most wonderful kind of rain-- the kind that makes you feel like you are in the shower, not the kind that leaves you feeling pelted and stung. It took the moan off of my lips about forgetting my umbrella in the car and I made my way through the parking lot enjoying the feeling of gentle, steady rain on a warm day. It became wildly more adventurous when I was driving home and the windows started fogging up and the power steering decided to intermittently give up on me. We don't have a knob to change the air flow in our car... we have a pair of needle-nose pliers that do the trick, but it's only something to be attempted at stop lights. Definitely not in the middle of a monsoon with foggy windows and no power steering and water dripping into your eyes and mussing up your glasses. Like I said, adventurous. But home safe and sound.
I'll have to make up my walk another day this week. But for now I'm going to go snuggle up somewhere before the company arrives and maybe let this rainstorm lull me into a nap.
Have I mentioned that I love rainy days?
Friday, July 22, 2011
Sassafras Walk
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Down Home Herbal Medicine
Note the beeswax that is needed for this all to work.
It eagerly waits its involvement in this process.
So you pour the blended bits onto the cheesecloth.
The oils drip through to the saucepan below, and the fibrous parts of the plant remain on top.
You kind of stir it around to get all the liquid out.
Once it's mostly done, you wrap up the cheesecloth around the plant matter.
Then you squeeze all the rest of the "juice" out.
Now you turn on the heat and add the beeswax into the mix.
After the wax has melted and there has been sufficient stirring,
you are ready to pour the salve.
We prepared the containers in a row ahead of time, because you have to be quick about it.
Vicki poured the hot salve into a glass measuring cup for easier pouring,
since the containers are small.
Then, it's a race to see if you can pour it into all the containers before
the wax begins to harden.
Salve complete! You can't stick your fingers in it while it's congealing or else she can't sell it.
Vicki sells a wonderful apothecary line at Garage 34 on South Lexington. Check it out.
She's the real deal.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
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Coming into Forsyth Park during our 3-Day training walk that Kak lead. |
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My mom played skip ball... or whatever this is... to get a donation for my 3-Day fund. :) |
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Beautiful Catholic cathedral... St. John's, I think. |
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Inside. |
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
WOD from Hades
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Preacher girl
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Day 52
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
I am in the process of going through some photographs from a trip my family took to England five years ago. I was 20 and had just returned home from a month spent in poverty-ridden Nicaragua; I remember London being a bit of a shock. But I loved it. My Nana was from London and I remember her always talking with a wistful fondness about the parks there and how there was nothing like them in the States. We took this trip after she died, partly in memoriam. She must smile at me from heaven whenever she hears me say that England's parks stole my heart as well. London was a perfect mix of natural (albeit cultivated) beauty, urban metropolis, and anchored history. My kind of city indeed.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Anyway, this week Joshua and I went to see The King's Speech (with Colin Firth, one of my favorites). Perhaps it's my British blood, but I love any movie having to do with the Royal Family. This has again sparked my fascination with all things ancient and old, and I'm off on another history tangent. If I could go back to college tomorrow and major in history, just for fun, I'd be all over it. I will always love learning and I think I will always be intrigued with people in the past. Choices, motivations, consequences... it is a beautiful tapestry that is at sometimes glorious and other times tragic.
About two years ago I had a desire to start at the beginning of world history and work my way up to the present. I think I might challenge myself with that again. Although I am going to skip the whole Sumerian alphabet chapter because I find it a bit boring, sorry. Let's move on to the Egyptians and ancient Greeks and Rome and the Middle Ages and Robert the Bruce and WWI and II. We'll see. I'll keep you apprised.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
Day 47
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Day 46
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Day 45
Today was CFA.
Strength/Skill - Clean, work up to a heavy set of 2. I'd only done this one time before and ended at 28#... today I worked up to 48#. Hate that my butt still sticks out when I get low in a squat. Core strength...
WOD - AMRAP in 3 minutes:
6 push-ups (supposed to be ring p/u but can't do those yet... just stuck to the regular)
9 box jumps (18")
3 rounds, 1 minute rest between rounds
Completed 7 rounds + 6 p/u and 8 freaking box jumps. So close! I should've just finished the round after Shanna called the time.
Today has been a good, albeit injurious, day. Started early at CrossFit Asheville, which is one of my favorite ways to start the day. I never-- NEVER-- want to get out of bed in order to get there, though. This morning Joshua was trying to coax me out from underneath the warm, snuggly blankets and he said that I sat up and gave him the meanest scowl ever. Not a morning person, what can I say? But somewhere between calisthenics and the WOD, I zoom into consciousness and by the time I have finished the hour, my face cherry red and my mouth all saliva-y, I feel alive. Wonderfully, wonderfully alive.
Work then... where I managed to kick the corner of an open drawer with my shin (beautiful purple knot to show for it) and get my wrist caught in the window Joshua was rolling up when I met him for our lunch break. Injurious, I told you. After work we came home and changed and headed out to the Mountains to the Sea trail on the BRP to go for a run... where I managed to catch my foot on a root and fall. Perfect ending to the day. It wasn't so bad though-- the forest floor is soft and doesn't scrape your hands up like asphalt does. I love running through the woods.
Joshua and I registered for a 5K in May, and I registered for the Susan G. Komen 3-Day Walk in September (in D.C.! love!). So there will be a lot of running and walking to come. I will become a runner, dangit! I plan on running as many races this year as I can... there are so many good ones up here in the mountains, too. Races are fun and make the training worth it, you know?
I'm going to consolidate my blogs and then get ready for bed. It's not even 8:00, you say? I'd argue that my circadian rhythm is back in place and I'll see you at sunrise.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Coming together
The thing is, I've been feeling stuck for a very long time. It had recently gotten very bad, and I continually prayed, telling the Lord that I just felt stuck and didn't know what to do about it. It was becoming a daily conversation between Him and I... mainly one-sided. Or so I thought. Then Joshua and I went and had dinner with some friends from Highland. These people are warriors on the spiritual realm. I don't think you really know what fighting is until you battle in the spiritual plane. Anyways, at the end of the evening they asked if they could pray for us before we went home. Of course. So in the middle of this Holy Spirit-inducing-mad-goosebumps prayer Amy looks at me and says, "Stuck. I'm just getting the word 'stuck.'" It was my tenderhearted moment with God, when He spoke through a human vessel to say, "I hear you." Amy prayed for movement in our lives. And since then... change has begun. Thank you, Jesus.
I am having realizations, and epiphanies, and hope, and truth spring to life inside me again, like brilliant springtime buds bursting forth after a frigid and harsh winter. There is a literal feeling inside my chest, and an uplifting in my mind. I am excited again. Oh, how long has it been since I truly felt excitement about life? Too long. It reminds me of Narnia and how everyone had just gotten used to the land existing in a state of perpetual winter while the White Witch reigned. Then Aslan breathed new life onto the landscape.
"See, I am doing a new thing! Do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland..."
You do make beautiful things out of dust.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Epic failure
Last night Joshua and I went and saw stand-up comic Etta May at the Diana Wortham Theatre. Tickets were free compliments of being an employee at Biltmore Estate, and the show was great. It was really fun to just go to a show and laugh.
Today Joshua and I worked with Misty Miller at her giant bi-annual consignment sale, Munchkin Market. One of the reasons I enjoy working the sale is because I have never seen so many pregnant women in one place at one time. And seeing them line up outside before we open and then rush in at 8:00 when we open the doors in one thundering stampede is a sight to behold. I met several ladies today who are expecting twins. I told God that I wouldn't mind having twins, not at all. I think my clock just made its first tick.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Tonight's dinner experiment
Recently at CrossFit someone passed around a sign-up to buy in for a side of bison meat. Joshua has wanted to try bison for a long time, so we joined in the purchase. Tonight we have attempted to make spaghetti and meatballs-- paleo-style.
Spaghetti, easy. Remember spaghetti squash? The hardest part of that is slicing the darn thing in half.
Spaghetti sauce from Earth Fare-- all-natural and yummy.
Bison balls.
How would you make meatballs when you cannot include breadcrumbs or milk?
We decided to substitute coconut milk for the regular milk, easy enough. Breadcrumbs are kind of an essential part of meatball making, though. They help hold everything together, you know? We figured that we would use the pulp from our juicer that is just going to waste. So tonight we juiced some kale, pineapple, pear, blueberries, mango, and apple (delightfully delicious GREEN juice!) and salvaged the pulp to put in the meatball mix.
The guy arranging the bison purchase recommended that we not overcook the bison meat. He says that it has a tendency to dry out easily. Since our meatballs are rather soupy anyway, we're disregarding his advice in this instance.
I'll let you know how it turns out tomorrow. I'm off to make some paleo butternut bisque soup.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Really, it is about discovering what you want and getting there. Hence the homework of a vision board... basically a collage of all you envision for your life.
I have loved making collages since I was a little girl. I would spend hours cutting up magazines, carefully choosing pictures that I loved. I think that it is what drew me to photography in the first place. I am eager to get back to that place in my heart and peer out through that lens-- I think that it will be a deep breath of "at home" that I have been looking for for awhile.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Today's thoughts
I decided to walk. I almost immediately regretted my decision, because I was trying to multi-task by eating my breakfast (a.k.a. banana) and my hand pretty much turned into a solid block of ice after the first two minutes. I ended up in a building I'd never been in before, lost, and late.
But I got there.
I'm going to leave you hanging about where I was headed. I'll just tantalize you by saying that I will be making a vision board, and I will take photographs and post them for you once it is complete. If I can overcome my perfectionist tendencies and call it complete, that is.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Ancient computer
Today in the mail arrived three books of poetry, sent by my dear friend, K-Smeltz. It's on my new 101 in 1001 to read a book of poetry. Plus, this season of fasting has been a melancholy one, and so some Emily Dickenson should come in right handy. K-Smeltz sent me her own personal copy complete with sticky tabs on her favorites.
Better go check on Hubs.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Home again, home again
The sun only appeared this morning as we were getting ready to leave my in-laws' house. I stood in the kitchen for a moment, soaking up the warmth as the sunlight shone through the window and I wished-- like seriously longed for-- a beach vacation. We did go out to the pier on Saturday, but it was cold and damp and so foggy that you couldn't see where the ocean and sky kiss on the horizon. It was romantic in it's own morose fashion. Joshua and I stood wistfully on the pier, listening to the waves beating the sandy shore below and spoke to each other about our craving to live on the water. I asked Joshua if he would rather live at the beach than at the mountains. I was surprised when he said yes.
I took the beach for granted as a Floridian, and I miss it something fierce now. Even on cold, clammy days like yesterday, there is an unrivaled, mysterious beauty about the sea.
I am thankful for the rainy weather, though. We spent a lot of quality time with my in-laws, whom we don't see enough of these days. Goal to visit more often.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Off to Myrtle Beach!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
I must blog
Monday, January 31, 2011
Saturday wasn't my fault...
For real, though.
Saturday the internet was down when I sat down to blog. Yesterday was 70 degrees in JANUARY, people. Joshua, Michelle and I took ourselves down to the local park, slung up Eno hammocks between a nice little triangle of trees, and laid in the shade while reading the beginning of Amy Carmichael's biography. It was gorgeous. The park was full of people, young and old, and so many dogs! Cutter accompanied us and took in the beautiful day alongside us.
Other highlights from this weekend: buying the new Amos Lee CD (with a gift card, which makes it double the fun), going over to the Ledfords' and enjoying some delicious grilled food (including grilled pineapple, which might be one of my favorite things ever) and playing with all of their high-tech gadgets. Has anyone ever seen/heard of a Google television? I hadn't until Saturday night, and my world is forever changed. Lord help us.
Also was introduced to this guy. Watch some of his stuff. It's brilliantly creative and he's got some mad editing skills and musical talent. How would you like to do that for a full-time job? This one and this one are my favorites so far.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Day 26
Week in Pictures
It's images like these that inspire me to keep photographing life. Not that portraits aren't stunning, but something about the raw factor of these photojournalistic captures just does it for me. This is what it means to be a photographer for me.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Thursday's Gratitude
But today I was inspired to be grateful.
When I wake up in the mornings, I have a habit of getting on the computer to wake myself up. The blue light from the computer monitor does the trick. Anyways, I logged onto Facebook to see a comment someone had left me and on my news feed someone had posted a clip from American Idol. They made a comment about it, saying that they believed the guy was legit, and it made me curious to watch.
It turned out to be a very heart-wrenching story about a young guy who was engaged to be married to the love of his life, and two months before their wedding his fiancee got into an automobile accident and suffered a traumatic brain injury. She survived, but is paralyzed and displays the same symptoms of someone who has had a severe stroke. The guy takes care of her with her mother, and they never got married. He said something to the effect of, "I was about to make vows to this woman-- 'in sickness and in health, till death do us part'-- what kind of guy would I be if I left when she needs me most?" It was inspiring and heartbreaking all at the same time.
After the clip was over (Joshua was watching by this point, too), we knelt down and thanked God for all of our blessings. All I could think of is how horrible it would be if Joshua could never smile at me again, or reach out to touch me. Certainly puts things in perspective. Including this cranky mood I'm in now. I think I'll go smile at my husband and give him a hug.
Here is the link if you wanted to watch.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Day 24
I went to an open house meeting for the Mission chapter of Toastmasters today. It was certainly interesting... I had never been to a "club" type meeting before where there are officers and formality. It was entertaining, and a bit intimidating, and inspiring. I am considering becoming a member. I have always enjoyed public speaking and the last time I had to give a speech was my freshman speech class at UCF. That class is what led me to pursue my major in interpersonal communication. I am still fascinated by that topic, and I think it would be fun to get back into public presentations. And it makes me nervous. And you should do what you're afraid of more often, right?
On a completely other note, I am considering trying acupuncture. Has anyone ever done that? It kind of creeps me out a little, to think of being a human porcupine... but if it works, well then it works.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Today I had a personal situation happen that caused me to feel emotionally upset in the middle of the workday. As a result, when I had an issue arise at work that usually wouldn't make me blink, I had a knee-jerk emotional reaction that first manifested as irritation followed by an intense bubble up of emotion. When I felt that bubble rising I recognized that this was not work related. Thankfully I was able to step back and give myself a few moments before tackling my work again. That respite (Heather, what does respite mean? *wink*) gave me a minute to assess myself and figure out what was really going on, and address it.
I view compartmentalization as the opposite of assessing and addressing. It's kind of like feeling that emotional bubble rise to the surface and immediately shoving it down inside and slamming the lid on it. Now I come from some good English stock, and we have propriety passed down through the bloodlines. So I'm not going to say that it's okay for someone to drag all their personal mess into the workplace. But I don't believe in the philosophy of "leave your problems at the front door." Sometimes things happen in life that strain the essence of our beings, and sometimes we even feel broken. I don't believe in forcing another human being to leave their brokenness at the door. I think that this attitude is just another evidence that our culture does not know how to deal in intimacy or grief. This "leave it at home" mentality does not enhance community, trust, or valuing one another. And honestly-- although we rarely stop to shove ourselves into this paradigm shift-- when it's all said and done, relationships are what matter in this life. When the fit hits the shan, the melange of things that we normally occupy our lives with vanishes and we become immediately and only concerned with our relationships.
Am I right or am I right?
P.S. Melange was totally my word of the day today.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Me: "I need to blog."
Joshua: "Do you have something to blog about?"
"What do you write about when you don't have anything to say?"
"Crap? I don't get it."
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Day 21
fun with Shell Bell
Saturday, January 22, 2011
mind over matter
"We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves happy. The amount of work is the same." Carols CastanedaHow true is that quote! Another one, which is a Doris Howard essential, is "Life's circumstances will either make you bitter or better... it's your choice." Putting these ideas into practice is a bit easier said than done, however. It's so easy to wallow in self-pity and negativity, especially if it is a habit formed by years of practice. I think I have been guilty of covering up my issues with pleasure. Now that I am fasting from my go-to "pleasure" standbys, I have come face to face with certain things that I have heretofore (my boss uses this word all the time and it makes me laugh... who really says "heretofore" anymore?) dealt with using that age-old tactic of avoidance. Now that these issues are surfacing, I find myself faced with the choice of bitter or better, miserable or happy. I am reaching for better and happy. There is an amount of work that goes into it, though, and I think I might just be lazy.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Today I feel...
My mind wants to stretch, learn, grow, and dig deep to make me what I'm capable of. That's a pleasant feeling.
My body wants to eat bread. With butter.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
extra long
What kind of day have you had?
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Day 17
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Ambulance protocol
But I do have a question about ambulance protocol. When you are on the interstate and an ambulance comes up behind you, are you supposed to pull off the road? I think that is dangerous on a road where the speed limit is 70mph. I usually just get in the right hand lane, leaving the fast lane open for the ambulance to pass by. Does anyone know the real protocol in that situation, though?
Monday, January 17, 2011
new digs
Not much time to sit and sort through thoughts tonight... we're leaving in a few minutes and I'm trying to get dinner ready in the meantime for the whole family. Chili and cornbread (can't eat the cornbread... stink). It's a good day for chili and cornbread... a gray, wintery day.
Everything is a jumble. Too hurried to try to straighten it out... I figure it will all be there tomorrow if I'm granted another day.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Spaghetti Squash
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Happy birthday!
Friday, January 14, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Day 11
I had a rather frustrating moment with myself last night.
I am learning a lot about nutrition and how our bodies work and keys to staying healthy, all rather coincidentally, it seems. Last night I was (again) learning about the damage that fructose has on our bodies. Soda in general. Did you know (and you might, but I didn’t) that if you drink one can of Coke per day for a year, and you never burn off those excess calories, that by the end of the year you will have gained 15.6 pounds of fat? That explains what happened to me last year…
Anyway, most recent revelation—an endocrinologist explained the “secret formula” that keeps people so addicted to soda. Did you know that soda has a diuretic in it? Makes you pee fluid water. Have you also noticed how much sodium soda has in it? Tell me, what happens when your body expels much of its fluid water and then you consume large quantities of salt? You are thirsty.
Do you see how this is all adding up? Diuretic to make you pee. Sodium to make you thirsty. HFCS to cover up the taste of salt. Caffeine to provide you a subtle stimulant. It’s a recipe concocted to keep you drinking. The companies that produce these drinks aren’t ignorant of this.
Doesn’t that sound horrible? It does.
So why, oh why, do I seem to be Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? There is one (intelligent) part of me that realized the horror of what’s going on, the fact that I am allowing myself to be victimized by a greedy, money-making scheme invented by a company that obviously cares nothing about the obesity epidemic in our country. I see the terrible consequences of consuming so much fructose and how it could potentially rob me of my health. And yet… there is still this (very strong, insistent) side of me that doesn’t care. That side cares about taste, and enjoyment, and pleasure. That side can block out all of the facts and revel in the fizzy bubbles and sweet, satisfying taste.
Hence my frustrating moment with myself last night. Really, it was anger. I don’t understand how I can have such head knowledge about things and still desire to make harmful choices. Joshua pointed out that this equates to spirituality as well… and life in general. Addictions to toxicity.
I think, as far as diet is concerned, I am going to strive for balance. For instance, I can guarantee you that after the Challenge is up, I will be eating butter again. (Didn’t anyone ever tell these people that the “secret to life is butter”? Name that movie.) But I hope that I can look at food differently. Every meal is not my last. There will be ample opportunities to enjoy x, y, and z. I don’t need to eat them all this week.